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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

EdTech Profile CL...NETS-T II, V

This provides an example of my proficiency using technology and technology-based tools. This meets the NETS-T standards II, V because it shows my ability to learn and understand technology, which is part of a lifelong quest to become a more technologically savvy profession, and it's an example of a digital assessment of strengths and weaknesses in comparison to other individuals.

Copyright CL...NETS-T IV

To learn about copyrights, netiquette, cyberbullying, and the general legal and ethical issues surrounding Internet usage, I did a collaborative project about Internet safety. My group and I each researched topics regarding digital safety procedures. All of the information we learned and activities we participated in helped us to meet the NETS-T IV standard of promoting digital citizenship and responsibility

Newsletter CL...NETS-T I, II, III

My Newsletter meets these NETS-T standards because it provides a creative and customized document that promotes student creativity and raises student awareness of real class-based situations and projects. Additionally, my newsletter fosters communication between students, parents, and community members about course content and peripheral activities.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


In class, we used iMovie to create and edit a public service announcement about CSUSM. We learned to incorporate audio and video clips, insert freeze frames, and add transitions and voice-overs. The iMovie meets the NETS-T I, II, and III standards because it inspires student creativity, uses technological tools to develop student understanding and knowledge, and communicates relevant information to a wide audience.

Inspiration CL...NETS-T I, II, III

For this project, we created an online graphic organizer to help us determine what artifacts would be best used in our TaskStream narratives. This artifact meets the NETS-T I, II, and III because it provides a digital-age experience that meets the needs of individuals with a variety of learning styles, it serves as an effect method for communicating a variety of ideas and brainstorming concepts, and it fosters creativity in the learning and knowledge acquisition process.